ISAPZURICH, International School of Analytical Psychology, offers training in analytical psychology according to writings of C. G. Jung. It is the only English speaking training program that still offers a full immersion training that consists of two semesters of 14 weeks each. Students come from more than 25 countries to train here in Zurich at ISAP. For more information visit
AGAP, Association of Graduates in Analytical Psychology, is a professional association founded in 1954 with the purpose of furthering development in analytical psychology. Visit
The Psychology Club Zurich was founded in 1916 by Mr. and Mrs. McCormick-Rockefeller, Emma and Carl Gustav Jung, and some Zurich friends of Complex Psychology. From the very beginning the clubhouse was probably the most important forum for the psychiatrist C.G. Jung to present his ideas in many seminars and lectures before publishing them. Visit
The IAAP, International Association for Analytical Psychology, was founded in 1955 and is the accrediting and regulatory organization for all professional analytical psychologists’ groups. The main objectives of the IAAP are to advance the understanding and utility of analytical psychology worldwide, and to ensure that the highest professional, scientific and ethical standards are maintained in the training and practice of analytical psychologists among its Member Groups.